A responsible and reliable school bus driver is dedicated to transporting students safely to and from school. However, part of this depends on the amount of self-disciplined the students passengers display. If the students are acting chaotic and undisciplined on the school bus, the safety of the transportation is in jeopardy and the competence of the driver is questionable. Therefore, in order to assure the safety and security of the students, the school bus driver must play a major role in their lives. A successful bus driver is willing to go beyond the responsibility of transporting students back and fourth.
Types of Deviant Behavior
A school bus driver may encounter a number of deviant behaviors among students, inappropriate language, verbal harassment, horse playing, getting out of seat while bus is moving, throwing objects at others as well as out of the window, stealing other student's belongings, insubordination and displaying aggressive behavior toward fellow students. This is only a few examples of a chaotic activity. Children left to themselves can become increasingly destructive. Therefore, such chaos must be prevented before students even think of acting them out.
Establishing Bus Rules and Regulations
In order for a bus driver to take immediate control over his bus, he must establish rules and regulations right away. On the first day of pick-up and drop-off, he must clarify his expectation for each student rider without hesitation. Once students are aware of your expectations and your willingness to enforce them, they will usual think twice about acting up on the school bus. If you do not have a school bus monitor, you must be observant even while driving. Glancing into the rear view mirror to catch potential rule breakers will have to be done. A successful school bus driver is always aware of what's going on.
Confronting Deviant Behavior
Confront misbehavior instantly. Do not let anything slide. Letting little minor incidents slide by will only create greater problems for everyone on the bus. Issue a warning no more than two times before threatening a right-up and phone call home. Your immediate response to rule violations determines whether or not a student will take your authority seriously. When students see you persistently enforcing the school bus rules, many will abide by your expectations.
Displaying Strength of Character
In addition, in order to successfully manage a school bus, a bus driver must be strong in character, refusing to give an inch to students who are bent on making life miserable. Backing down from a student's misbehavior or permitting them to bully other students can ruin your reputation as a competent school bus manager. Students will take your weakness as an opportunity to do whatever they please without repercussions. To avoid this, a school bus driver must make it absolutely clear who is in control, without reservation.
Engaging In Effective Communication
In order to take control of a school bus, the driver must be able to communicate effective and connect often with his student passengers. He must be willing to do this because he cares not because he is afraid of losing his job. Students seems to know if you really care about their well-being. If you are not sincere about the safety and security of your students, you will reap the consequence of disobedience and challenge as a school bus driver.
Developing a Positive Attitude Toward Students
Develop a positive attitude toward all students. When students know that you care about them, even though some are very challenging, they will begin to respect you and your driving. Some bus drivers give incentives such as pencils and notebooks as well as rewards and letters of excellent behavior to parents and teachers. Whatever you can do to obtain a students trust, do it. But never get angry and react in an unprofessional way toward children. This will only add fuel to the fire, resulting in frustration and confusion.
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